I had just a taste of the good life.

Now all I seem to have is strife.

One thing after another, problems galore;

Until just living feels like a chore.


There has to be more to life than this.

All I’m asking for is a little bliss!

Nothing but one setback after another,

Is there any way out?  Oh, brother!


Just struggling to keep a roof over our head.

Every day I’m just full of dread.

Worrying about a future I can’t predict.

Feeling that life has me licked.


There was a time I was feeling blessed.

Now I feel like we’re going through a test.

They say God doesn’t give you more than you can take,

Well God, I feel I’m ready to break!


When oh when will this madness end?

I feel like I’m going round the bend.

I really don’t mean to complain,

Maybe I should just end this dreary refrain.


All I’m asking is to be allowed to be free

To be the person I know I’m meant to be.

I’m tired of struggling to survive,

I am ready to break out and THRIVE!

Passing Angels

I believe there are people you meet in your life

Who are there to pave the way

For you to reach your destiny.

These people are sent to you in times of need

To encourage you

To motivate you

To inspire you

To remind you who you really are.

These people are angels who walk among us

Maybe they don’t even know what they are doing

Maybe it’s just a chance remark

Or even just a passing smile

That reaches you just when you need it the most.

You see, it doesn’t have to be something dramatic

It could be the simplest of gestures

That boosts your soul when you need it most.

Something that lifts your spirits

Something that reminds you that life is good

And life is worth living.

And you never know when one of these angels will cross your path.

The best thing is anyone can be an angel

To uplift and inspire

All it takes is to spread a little kindness

In a world that can seem dark and cold.

So next time you pass by someone who seems down and distressed

Just give them a friendly smile or a simple hello

Today, you could be their passing angel.

Live In The Now


Some people are slaves to technology
Throwing away their cash without apology
On the latest iPod or iPad
Or whatever is the latest fad.
They live their lives without direction

There has to be more to life
Than coping with daily struggle and strife
Is this all we have to look forward to?
Making our way through this human zoo?
Striving to find a sense of satisfaction.

Some people are angry, others just sad
Wondering why life has to feel so bad
Some people drift, feeling lonely
Thinking I’d be happier if only,
I could make some kind of human connection.

Some people live lives materialistic
Making the excuse they’re just being realistic.
“What you see is What you get.”
Sounds so plausible…and yet
What if that’s just misdirection?

One day you’re here, the next day you die
Without ever really knowing why
You were ever born in the first place.
What was your part in the human race?
All part of “natural selection.”

Or is there some way of gleaning
That life has a higher meaning.
Is there some grand master plan
That proves life isn’t just a scam
That life can have purpose.

Is there a way we will ever know
Before it’s our time to go.
Or do we have to wait til we die
To finally find the reason why
We were ever born in the first place.


(Written by Dave Whitmore 11/14/2019)