Passing Angels

I believe there are people you meet in your life

Who are there to pave the way

For you to reach your destiny.

These people are sent to you in times of need

To encourage you

To motivate you

To inspire you

To remind you who you really are.

These people are angels who walk among us

Maybe they don’t even know what they are doing

Maybe it’s just a chance remark

Or even just a passing smile

That reaches you just when you need it the most.

You see, it doesn’t have to be something dramatic

It could be the simplest of gestures

That boosts your soul when you need it most.

Something that lifts your spirits

Something that reminds you that life is good

And life is worth living.

And you never know when one of these angels will cross your path.

The best thing is anyone can be an angel

To uplift and inspire

All it takes is to spread a little kindness

In a world that can seem dark and cold.

So next time you pass by someone who seems down and distressed

Just give them a friendly smile or a simple hello

Today, you could be their passing angel.