I had just a taste of the good life.

Now all I seem to have is strife.

One thing after another, problems galore;

Until just living feels like a chore.


There has to be more to life than this.

All I’m asking for is a little bliss!

Nothing but one setback after another,

Is there any way out?  Oh, brother!


Just struggling to keep a roof over our head.

Every day I’m just full of dread.

Worrying about a future I can’t predict.

Feeling that life has me licked.


There was a time I was feeling blessed.

Now I feel like we’re going through a test.

They say God doesn’t give you more than you can take,

Well God, I feel I’m ready to break!


When oh when will this madness end?

I feel like I’m going round the bend.

I really don’t mean to complain,

Maybe I should just end this dreary refrain.


All I’m asking is to be allowed to be free

To be the person I know I’m meant to be.

I’m tired of struggling to survive,

I am ready to break out and THRIVE!

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