Be The Change You Want To See

Sometimes I look at the night sky in wonder,

At the myriad of stars

And I can’t help wondering to myself,

‘What’s it like where you are?’

Do you have to deal with the same issues,

That plague the human race?

Like war, famine and hate.

Or do you live in a state of grace?


Are we the only beings in the cosmos,

To have to deal with all this negativity?

Because if everywhere else is rosy,

Then it doesn’t seem fair to me.

To be stuck on a world so filled with misery.

Where life can be so cold and hard

If only things could be different,

I feel a change is long on the cards.


All I can do is set an example

Be the change I want to see

To lift people when they struggle

And fill them with positivity.

A revolution starts with just one person

To stand up and lead the way

You can’t create a better tomorrow

If you don’t make a start today.


I just need to lift my own vibration,

Turn my frown around.

Show everyone there’s a better way

And turn this world upside down!

So this is what I’m trying to do

While writing my poetry

To make people stop and think

And create a better society.


Sometimes I look at the night sky and I wonder,

Did you go through the same tribulations?

Did you all face the same questions I have?

And what was your solution?

All I can do is my part

Show those people around me,

That if you want to change the world

Then you have to be the change you want to see.